Dakota Rug


This floor rug is set to become a staple for contemporary living spaces, with it’s simplistic diamond pattern, wool blend, and minimal texture.

Please note: The Silver Birch and Natural Straw colourways have a similar depth of colour, however, the Natural straw is slightly warmer/beige toned, and the Silver Birch is more cool/light grey toned. The colourways are identical to our popular circular Tairua floor rug style.

Composition: Handwoven | 60% Wool, 20% Viscose, 20% Cotton | 3mm Height

2 Colours: Natural Straw or Silver Birch

Rug Sizes:

  • 160cm (W) x 230cm (L)
  • 200cm (W) x 300cm (L)
  • 250cm (W) x 350cm (L)
  • 300cm (W) x 400cm (L)